In 2024, The Arts Fund hosted 2 mentorships featuring students from 4 Santa Barbara County High Schools, with 12 participating students.
The 2 mentorships offered during Fall 2024 were Creative Expression with Typewriters and Expressive Figure Drawing. Mentorship participants also exhibited their work during the Teen Arts Mentorship Exhibition in The Arts Fund Community Gallery from November 2024 through January 2025.
Creative Expression with Typewriters
South County Mentorship with Simon Kiefer
During this fall mentorship with local spontaneous typewriter poet and multimedia artist Simon Kiefer, teens used vintage typewriters to express themselves with poetry and creative writing, as well as elaborate by incorporating visual elements. Students explored the interplay of word and image, and studied other writers and styles to find their own voice.
Expressive Figure Drawing
South County Mentorship with Austin Raymond & Chiara Corbo
With artists Austin Raymond and Chiara Corbo, students learned fundamentals of drawing the human figure and formed an understanding of anatomy. With a combination of studies and drawing from life, participants explored what makes a compelling piece by utilizing line weight, composition, and shading to elevate the figure into a work of art.
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