2015 Santa Maria Mural Mentorship

Teen Arts Mentorship

30+ years of providing creative opportunities to the teens of Santa Barbara County.

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The Teen Arts Mentorship Program is a county-wide, 30+ year old arts enrichment and career development program that offers students ages 13-18 the unique opportunity to work closely with industry professionals and master artists in a studio environment. Working in small groups, students spend over 30 hours producing a portfolio of work to be exhibited and sold in The Arts Fund Community Gallery or performed in a public venue.

Students acquire specific art-making skills, and exhibition and/or performance experience, and are introduced to the aesthetic styles and career choices of artists in our community. The master artists become role models and references for students as they consider advanced studies in the arts. 

The Teen Arts Mentorship program was started in 1993 with a grant from the James Irvine Foundation. We are exceptionally proud of the expansion of the program to now include mentorships in assemblage, collage, creative writing, dance, drawing, film making, painting, photography, print making, sculpture and more.

All Santa Barbara County high school students ages 13-18 are eligible to apply to one or more mentorships in their area.

Over 30+ years, we’ve worked with:

1500+ students, 34 schools, 9 cities

Thanks to our donors, we are able to offer this program tuition-free and provide art materials to participants.

We believe all students should have access to mentorship, regardless of their race, gender, background, and socioeconomic status.

Teen Arts Mentorship Application

Mentorship applications are currently CLOSED. Questions? Email us at info@artsfundsb.org.

Check back soon for more information, and follow our Instagram @artsfundsb and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date!

Creative Expression with Typewriters

Thursdays 4pm – 7pm & Saturdays 10am – 1pm, 9/12-10/12
South County Mentorship with Simon Kiefer

Use vintage typewriters to express yourself with poetry/creative writing, and elaborate on your writing by incorporating visual elements.

  • Explore the interplay of words and images;
  • Create collages, chapbooks, zines, and more;
  • Exhibit at The Arts Fund Gallery; and
  • Perform your writing at the exhibit opening!

Students engaged in the arts have higher GPAs, standardized test scores, college-going rates and lower drop-out rates, regardless of socioeconomic status.

Arts Spark Creativity & Innovation

Creativity is among the top 5 applied skills sought by business leaders, with 72% saying creativity is of high importance when hiring. Noble Laureates in the sciences are 17% more likely to be actively engaged in the arts than their peers.

2015 Student Charcoal
2015 Student Charcoal
2015 Student Charcoal
2015 Student Charcoal
2015 Student Charcoal
2015 Student Charcoal
2019 TAM Keren

“My experience was great, there are no words to truly say how happy I am with myself after the class ended. I am more motivated and informed about my options after high school.”

Keren, 2019 Mentorship Student

2018 TAM Alexa

“I honestly do not know what awaits me in the future, but I believe that I will still be creating art. After being part of this mentorship I feel more confident and inspired to pursue art on a more professional level. As I think about the future, I would love to be an art teacher and be able to inspire other young artists.”

Alexa, 2018 Mentorship Student

2016 TAM Aiyana

“I won two scholarships from the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara. I am currently working on my non-profit organization, and I have been able to use some of the skills I was taught in the program to teach the residents of the retirement home that I am working with. […] Thank you for letting me be a part of the mentorship program!”

Aiyana, 2016 Mentorship Student

2015 TAM Ceilidh

“Without the Teen Arts Mentorship program, I wouldn’t be nearly as involved in Santa Barbara’s art community. […] It felt like being taken seriously as an individual and an artist, and showed that what I’d always thought of as a hobby had the potential to be my livelihood.”

Ceilidh, 2015 Mentorship Student

2013 TAM Student

“Being able to communicate with a professional artist was an experience I never thought I would be able to have in high school, and The Arts Fund made it possible. This priceless program is a gem, and something l will always count as a major stepping stone in my creative career.”

2013 Teen Arts Mentorship Student

2005 TAM Alex

“I loved that we had a real hands on experience in a dark room, and that there was more trial and error learning, like my mentor wasn’t holding my hand through every step but was there to give instruction and advice.”

Alex, 2005 Mentorship Student


3D Printing
Singing in Theatre
Gallery/Exhibition Training
Landscape Painting
Abstract Painting
Japanese Woodblock Printing
Darkroom Photography
Creative Writing
Ink Wash Drawing
Mural Design
Classical Drawing

Collage Printmaking
Character Illustration
Metal Sculpture
Interactive Media
Kinetic/Robotic Sculpture
Watercolor Painting
Monotype Printmaking
Alternative Process Photography
Relief Printmaking
Stone Carving
College & Career Prep

And more!


You can make a difference for The Arts Fund! Our generous donors help ensure that the arts continues to thrive in Santa Barbara County, and that students and professionals alike have the opportunities and resources to develop and share their passion for art and creativity.

Your donation helps create myriad opportunities to support local artists and businesses. By donating, you are directly investing in our youth and the future of a sustainable local arts community. Together, we can cultivate Santa Barbara County’s creative minds and continue to build a community on the foundation of empowerment, innovation, and success.

The Arts Fund offers a variety of donation options to suit your individual circumstances, from one-time individual donations to monthly payments to corporate giving. Read more on our support page, and make your donation count!